Thursday, May 10, 2007

Start a Crappy Band Today!

Here's the idea:

1. Get together with a few friends. These friends should be able to play a musical instrument or sing. If not, it would be good if they had a desire to play a musical instrument or sing.

2. Start playing music together.

3. Don't judge, don't critique, don't look for "ways to get better." Just play and enjoy.

4. Read #3 again. It's real important.

5. Once you've completed steps 1-3, you will have an official Crappy Band!

Crappy Bands are great. There's no pressure -- remember, your band is crappy! You can play whatever you please -- covers of your favorite songs, original material, totally improvised stuff -- it's up to you and your Crappy Band mates.

At some point, you'll want to share your music with others. When you do, you'll be amazed at how much people like it. They will like it because it's real.

Some who like it will be unable to express their appreciation for your music. They'll say things like, "Don't quit your day job." Resist the urge to strike them. Instead, understand that what they're really saying is that they wish they could be as free and happy as you. Deep down, they want to join your Crappy Band. If you feel like it, invite them to do just that.

But first, you gotta start a Crappy Band. So, go do it -- and tell me all about it!

Till next time,


1 comment:

Allie Boniface said...

I like the sentiment - and welcome to blogland!